A picture of the band goofing around

There once was a band called God's Child. God's Child was Chris Seefried (vocals, guitars, mellotron), Gary DeRosa (keyboards, vocals), Bip Ruda (bass) and Alex Alexander (bass). They lived in New York and got to #15 in the Billboard Charts in 1995 with Everybody's 1 from their album Everybody.

In 1996, the nucleus of the band moved to Los Angeles and recruited new drummer Adam Hamilton to tour on Gods Child's second album, Aluminum (Those Americans with their crazy spelling!). Their sound moved away from keyboards and towards guitars.

After touring on their second album, Hamilton and Seefried wrote a new song called Sleeping Pill. They didn't expect it to be very big, so just put it on a christmas compilation album and (for fun) attributed it to "The Amazing Adventures of Joe 90".

Soon, everybody was asking "who's Joe 90?". The boys from God's Child, half-way through recording a third album answered "we are!"

And so, Joe 90 came to be. They released their first (third?) album on E Pluribus Unum (Adam Duritz's record label). It was called Dream This. Their friend, Adam Duritz lent backing vocals to the tracks Ferris Wheel and Drive.

The band then went on tour for 5 months with Counting Crows and the Gigolo Aunts, while their single Drive started to get a lot of airplay. After that session of touring, the band started headlining straight away.

Then they released a limited edition companion CD to Dream This. It's called Racoon's Lunch. It's got some demos, offcuts and stuff.

I guess they're probably working on a new album now, but I don't know.

Audio Samples
