This page contains a few things related to cryptography (obscuring information) and steganography (hiding information), including my introduction to PGP and the steganography challenge.

You might also be interested in, my attempt at a basic steganography tool.

An Introduction to PGP

What is That Mumbo Jumbo at the Bottom of Your Email, Toby?

That, my friend, is a PGP signature. It probably looks something like this:

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


It is possible that your email client displays it as an attachment. Outlook (and Outlook Express) displays the main body of my messages as an attachment as well. This behaviour is incorrect. (See this page for further details)

If this does happen it is a problem with your mailer. Your problem not mine. Write to the vendor and tell them to support the Internet standard called "RFC3156", which is an updated version of "RFC2015" which was first proposed in 1996. Otherwise try using different email software. See the "Where Can I Get PGP" section below.

What Is PGP?

PGP is short for Pretty Good Privacy. There is a version of PGP called GPG, which is the version I use.

PGP lets you do two main things:

Why Do That?

Contrary to popular belief, email is not private. It's like sending a postcard without an envelope. Plenty of people have the opportunity to read it on the way to its intended recipient. By encrypting your mail, they can't tell what it says.

A lot of those people who have access to read it, also have access to change it if they want to. By signing your mail, they won't be able to change it without damaging the signature.

How Does It Work?

While it's actually pretty complicated mathematics, here's a simple explanation...

PGP uses something called a "public key algorithm". This means that you have two keys - a "public key" that people use to "lock" an email before they send it to you, and a "private key" that you use to "unlock" the email.

Alternatively, if you want to sign an email instead of encrypting it (you can do both too!) you use your private key to lock the signature and then they use the public key to unlock it.

Because it is impossible to figure out the private key from the public key, you can give the public key to as many people as you want without damaging your security. My PGP public key is here.

I Need More Info!

This page is only intended to act as an introduction. To learn how to use PGP well, you'll need to look elsewhere.

Where Can I Get PGP?

Here's some information on where to get PGP and an email program that understands PGP.

OS PGP Mail Client
windows PGP 6.5.8 for Windows 95/98/NT Becky 2 or Eudora
apple mac PGP 6.5.8 for Mac - requires StuffIt Expander 5.5 (not version 6). Classic Mode (not OS X). Eudora
gnu/linux PGP 6.5.8 for Linux (RPM) or GPG 1.0.6 Source Code Sylpheed, Ximian Evolution or Mutt
bsd PGP 6.5.8 for Unix source Most Linux email clients should be fine. In particular, Mutt will.
beos PGP 5.0 for BeOS PGPforBeMail - plugin for BeMail.

The Steganography Challenge

What is Steganography?

Steganography is the art of hiding information. It is closely related to cryptography.

With cryptography, you scramble information so that no-one can understand what it means unless they have the right key to unscramble it. They know it's there — they just can't read it.

With steganography they don't know it's there. One basic example of steganography is putting files on a floppy disc and then hiding the disc under your matress. There are (of course) more sophisticated ways.

Combining the two gives you a very powerful way of keeping things secure.

The Challenge

The challenge is to find the picture of the cat on this page. If you can find it, email me :-)

Here is a nice picture of a dog for you to admire while you're searching for the cat (note: the cat picture is much better than the dog picture!)

A picture of a dog